Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy Birthdays

December has rolled on by and I haven't even posted any pictures or anything to commemorate it. I'll scrapbook it (have a retreat this weekend). It was a rough season. Beginning in October I had the death of a friend each month, Oct., Nov, and Dec. All were unexpected.. Yeah, all death is unexpected. But having a recent physical where everything was perfect, no problems and then having a massive heart attack (2 of them) and then one just went to sleep. Well, that's unexpected. It was an interesting time this year.

But we can celebrate this month. We had Grandpa K's 90th birthday this month, Colton's 7th birthday and Karey's 24th. Can't believe that they're all that old, especially Karey. Where has the time gone? Have to go to the Mexican Market on Beckham and get him some vanilla so he can make good ice cream. We did find the Dr. Pepper BBQ sauce that he liked and had it shipped.


  1. Grandpas birthday was Jan.2 and he was 89 years old. Born Jan 2, 1920 Hey Kerry said he would do some temple names for the Knackstedts, we have a whole bunch, what is his address and we will mail them to him....We have found 300+ more names for Grandpa !!!

  2. Opps, Poor Grandpa. My poor math made him a year older. He doesn't need my help with that. 89 is a pretty good age to be. His bd was Jan. 2 as was my former CPA's, Colton was Jan. 6 and Karey Jan. 13 Woo, somebody's getting older but it's not me!
