A Little Hen (Peacock that is)

Kind of appropriate

It's Master Gage

Who does she look like?

Chanda, Earnie, Barbie--no Caitlyn and Buddy

Holy Ghosts? Bishop and wife
You know that costumes are really good ones when you don't recognize the people. Well, we went to Trunk or Treat at the Bell Family Farm. We needed photos for the ward newsletter. So Lar suffered through it. I went as my usual self--a witch (that was my costume for the library too). Anyway, Chanda & Earnie and the kids came. They were too cute. Buddy really got into being a werewolf even showing how they walk. I think he saw that on a Harry Potter movie. Afterwards we went to Kris & Emily's to see their kids' costumes. You know, when our kids were little, we took them to the grandparents trick or treating. So what's the deal with us having to travel? We're old, we should be staying home.
Hey! I offered, you said you'd be later at your ward's trunk or treat so you said you'd come see us instead. We would've come over!
ReplyDeleteTrue, true. It's just we always went before the parties started so the kids had start with their candy.