Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Wild and Woolly Weather

Well, move aside Hurricane Ike. We had a typical Texas storm last night. Winds higher than Ike's, hail, torrential rain. Tornados on the ground and headed toward us and Chanda and Kris's. Well, it thundered and "lightninged" and rained like crazy. No hail, no tornado. Allie the wonder dog, was a quivering mass of jelly. She doesn't like thunder. She was glued to Larry's side. She just couldn't lay still. She cringed every time it thundered. Actually, it was really funny watching her. She really expects Lar to protect her.

We worked outside on the crepe myrtles yesterday. We're getting them all cleaned out and will cut them back in February. A while back, Allie learned how to get under the chain length fence. We attached a pet electric fence to it. She loved it! She just chewed on it. So we put in a heavier duty fence. She touched her nose to it and jumped back about 50 ft. She didn't get out any more. We took it down. She started getting out again. We reattached the power. She avoided the fence at all costs. Yesterday she wanted to follow Larry and he went through the gate in that fence. She just ran around and barked. When I went out the other gate, she followed. Larry was riding on the lawn mower pulling the wagon with all the branches in it to the back yard burn pile. Allie was going nuts, how could she follow him through the fence? She was almost hysterical. She finally plucked up her courage and lined herself up right in the middle of the back of the wagon and slunk through. It was funny watching her watch the fence. She made sure she didn't even let one hair near that fence. She doesn't know we unplugged it. Anyway, I'll have to post some pictures of her.

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