Saturday, September 13, 2008

I Need Help

Somehow I have managed to mess up and put one of my entries in the blog archive. It was about our handsome Aiden. Well, he's here and we're so happy. Hope to have pictures soon. So I removed it. I need Holly or Emily to show me how to do this.

Oh, yes, I'm slightly anxious because Chanda and Earnie are on the Carnival Conquest on a cruise to Montego Bay and other ports right in the path of Hurricane Ike which is battering Cuba. I stay on ship tracker watching how close they are to each other.


  1. Sandy you can steal any photos from my blog by just using copy and paste, or you may have to right click and download, but your welcome to any and all of them, just paste them into a new post and your good to go! So glad you're blogging now!
